Thursday, July 2


"Where is my other cleat Mama"? I heard an hour before we needed to leave...
My son had gathered all his "stuff" for the game and couldn't wait to prepare.
Nate & I went & got M&Ms... Ems played on the bleachers with the smallest flip flops I have ever seen... Aunt Heidi was on Coop duty while Nana and I were taking pics... Chris got there before it even started... the announcer introduced all the players~ they called "Christopher Lee #20" and he had to take the batting helmet off~ he was ready to go!
It was a good night


Five Good Things

  1. A Daddy's Love
  2. Individuality
  3. Gatorade
  4. Camera instruction manuals~ I think I need to read mine~ these are shots out of about 50
  5. Creative Friends~AW;)~ that get my juices flowing!



Terry said...

Love that game face!!! And so glad daddy made it in time!!! luv all of you, Mimi

teamwilhite said...

Are you kidding? YOU inspire ME!