Friday, January 14


the sweetness of the moment... the privilege of watching them learn... these busy little cooper hands have been trying to master cutting... his determination has been ~ well, for lack of a better word... inspiring... to practice is to grow...
i never want to forget this day...
Five Good Things
  1. that big box of crayons... loved putting them in their stockings and loved that i'm not so old that they had those when i was a kid... after all it was just a couple of weeks ago that christopher asked me if we still had donuts when i was a kid~ i am still smiling about that one!
  2. awanas~ they come home so excited... i never tire of hearing all about it and seeing their little hearts grow
  3. expanding... camera course in the near future? hopefully!!! or maybe just a lot of studying on line!
  4. weekly donut dates with nate while the other boys are in school... to watch nate enjoy a donut will make you want 10!
  5. my messy desk... lots of stuff going on with these little guys! neat can be over rated!!



Anonymous said...

I love you! And enjoy your blog... as your mom it's still so sweet to hear your heart beat ~

FordeFam said...

Neat is so over rated... ;) What a big boy!!! :)