Monday, June 3


So, I started this home biz... Read the next post & win some Greens on the Go!
All I can say now is look at my skin!! A year ago I could feel everything in my body screaming "I'm out of whack!!!" So, after 8 years of praying this got dropped in my lap, literally! My face had huge red craters that were starting to scar... I was tired much of the time, couldn't get out of bed without tears & so grumpy around dinner time~ more about this story later... It was bad ~ then worse.
When I got back from Haiti I knew I had to have a missions fund~ but from where? Wiping sticky fingers & changing diapers well, doesn't make me squat to put in the bank. One year later & the mission fund is a go!! But more about that later too~ look at my skin!!


Dena & David Burch said...

Your skin is gorgeous!! HOW???

alicia kristine said...

You would not believe it even a month ago~ Stacy could probably tell you! I have been taking the My It Works Greens... See my website
I just am amazed! Besides my skin clearing up I am no longer waking up drenched in sweat every night & morning~ I'm going to post my facial wrap results as well~ tightened toned & hydrated skin & I haven't even got my cleanser & hydrating toner & freshener yet! Check it out and I'll check back in with you!! Nice to see you on here Dena!! xox