Monday, June 3


I was looking at my photo stream & saw all kinds of misfits~ where are the pics of bugs, bandaids, blooms & bottoms all going to end up? A few make their debut on Instagram ~ one of my fave pastimes is taking a pic & adding just the right border, 2 or more filters & some crazy effect~ it's what I do at 2 in the morning when I just want to be with me & I indulge myself like I would at a spa. But when I'm done I have the same toes with chips of nail polish gone and dead skin. Note to self~ pedis are not my fave to do but I sure would like to look at the pretty colors all lined up in a row. Most of these pics just get saved though~ if not my Instagram followers would have Lee Fam overload~ I'll spare them. Sometimes.
So here are some cutie misfits~ after all I think they need a spot out of the big photo stream pond.
First one to name that bug gets 3 days worth of Greens~ free!!

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